Virtual Internship Program
HTC offers college students and recent college grads (in the US and abroad) the opportunity to: Gain Experience, Earn Extra Money, and Boost Their Resumes with its cutting edge Virtual Internship Program (VIP).
Those selected for the VIP can enjoy all the benefits of a quality internship without the cost or time of traveling to and from an office. Almost every assignment and work project can be completed online; including orientation, team meetings, and ongoing training and development.
Earnings Potential
The Virtual Internship Program offers interns the opportunity to maximize their earnings potential. Interns receive highly competitive performance based commissions and have the option to continue earning income even after they have successfully completed the program.
Upon Completion
When you successfully complete the VIP, you will receive a letter of recommendation to include with future job applications, the opportunity to earn additional soft skills certifications and can add HTC to your list of professional references.
Next Steps
If you are interested in a unique internship opportunity that equips you with the soft skills training you need to get ahead, complete your application for acceptance into the VIP today.