From the Hood to the Wood

Transforming Our Youth
Simmons Online Leadership Academy
Students enroll in the Simmons Online Leadership Academy where they are introduced to employability and culture building skills (aka soft skills). Students between the ages of 13 – 18 are eligible and financial assistance is available to cover the cost of the certification courses.
Certification Program
Students must earn their certifications in Leadership, Team Building, Winning Attitude, Decision Making, Conflict Resolution and Goal Setting prior to the end of the Spring semester.
Leadership Retreat
Students with the required certifications are invited to apply to attend a one week leadership retreat in Louisville, Kentucky (home of Simmons College). A letter of recommendation from a teacher, principal, counsellor or community leader is required; along with a copy of report cards, attendance and behavior records.
Outdoor Activities
Selected Students will enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing, hiking and canoeing. They will also receive mentorship and additional life skills training from Business Leaders, Pastors, Athletes and highly successful men and women of color who want to help them set and reach their goals.
Soft Skills
Students will receive additional soft skills certifications upon completion and will enjoy a semi-formal banquet in their honor in the city of Louisville; after their return from the Great Outdoors.
Life Changing
The teens that are selected will make life changing relationships, lasting relationships and will see the world from a new perspective.
This initiative launches in the summer of 2020 and seeks to serve more than 5,000 students online and hundreds each year at the retreat center. This initiative is in partnership with the National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.